


Ben, Matt







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Pope Benedict is resigning, the first time a pope has resigned in 600 years.

3:55 There is just no pope until— Yeah, there's no pope. There's no, like, interim pope. There's no interim pope. There's no vice pope who steps in. Yeah, why don't they have a vice pope? That just makes so much sense.

Matt says the pope is chosen by all Catholics in a process similar to American Idol voting.

4:30 The cardinals burn their ballots after voting for the pope. When there's no consensus, they put something in the fire to make black smoke. Then when they finally elect a pope, they put a different something in the fire, and white smoke, we have a pope. And the new guy 'popes' up.
6:37 Matt picks a candidate for pope I'm pro-Africa and Latin America, but I'm just going to say here on the podcast, I'm going with the USA. You're pullin' for Dolan? I'm pullin' for Dolan!
9:02 Ben talks about Pope Benedict retiring He's obviously not going to have a role in what's going on, and he's going to intentionally remove his voice and his influence from the Catholic world, but he's still a pope. Wait, what? He's still a pope. Just like the president is still a president? Yeah. And so we kinda have a double pope. All the way? Across the sky.

Ben thinks it's likely that Pope Benedict was the one who remixed Triple Pope, the YouTube video that debuted on the last news episode.

10:29 Matt applauds Pope Benedict Well, Mr. Sixteen, well done, good and faithful servant. You did a great job— I think that's the first time he's ever been addressed as, 'Mr. Sixteen'.


Matt wants to start making "Last News of the Day" the second biggest news item of the episode.

Ben theorizes that HBO will overtake G. R. R. Martin and switch to prequel material until he writes another book.

After listening to another of Stan's Rants, Ben wants Stan Lee for vice pope.

Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler are being considered as voice actors for Guardians of the Galaxy.

36:00 Both are skeptical about Guardians of the Galaxy and Chris Pratt So this is going to be a comedic movie? Yeah, is it a comedy? That's stupid.
36:27 Still on Chris Pratt He doesn't seem action hero-y. No. But maybe I'm just totally wrong about him.

Ben makes fun of Supernatural's 78th season It's 14th season premiered last week.

Take That, Science: A filmmaker is using an AI to help write the script to a short film

Matt asks Clever Bot, what do you think about The Sci-Fi Christian? Answer: I have never been to the Netherlands. I asked Clever Bot the same question 5 years later. It's answer this time was, Very cold!

Take That, Science: A new prime has been discovered, the largest yet


Paul asks, why does fandom seem to only occur for sci-fi and fantasy works?