


Matt, Daniel, Ethan Erway







Matt and Daniel interview Ethan Erway about his books, of which Daniel is a big fan.

Ethan is a pastor who writes YA sci-fi and fantasy.

Matt asks Ethan to write Daniel and him into one of his books as Amish barn-maker characters.

Ethan is OK with his children reading Harry Potter since the witches are mythological witches rather than Wiccans.

He was previously an Air Force nuclear missile technician, is now a safety technician.

His Bleeding Star Chronicles are YA sci-fi novellas that he imagined as "Firefly meets LOST".

His Michael Belmont novels are YA fantasy he describes as "Indiana Jones meets Harry Potter".

It's a planned seven book series. Two are out now, one is coming at the end of the year. Only three books were ever released.

53:35 Ethan gives advice for Koby: beat Ben with a steeltoed boot. Keep it below the face and above the belt. Ben will be too embarrassed to report him to the police. Matt is now afraid of Ethan.

Ethan wants to know if Ben and Koby really dislike each other. Matt says Ben and Koby are upper-level acquaintances.

58:08 Ethan mentions that Ben said Koby didn't exist in the last aired episode. Matt has no comment.