


Matt, Koby







Any notable feedback is included in the guide.


0:04 Would you like to say the intro for this one? No. You sure? I'll let you. Pretty big honor. Um, I've never wanted to say an intro to anything ever. Say 'Sci-Fi Feedback'. Nah, I'm good.


The Sci-Fi Feud 2012 has fizzled.

Francisco Rodriguez sent in a segment called "Reject or Resurrect". He decided that The Hobbit (1977) was a "reject". The plan is for it to be a monthly segment on feedback episodes. I'm guessing this is the only one.

38:09 Rick Lee James, who has stolen Ben De Bono from The Sci-Fi Christian, has sent in a message. However, he sent this message on August 20th. He can keep him.

Currently 161 Facebook likes

Matt has not watched The Booth at the End Season 2, but is planning to eventually.

Greg in Iowa writes in with some good parallels between The Dark Knight Rises and Christianity.

53:05 Bruce and Selina get a clean slate, like a new life in Christ! They get to start over fresh and are in a better place. Do you want to respond to any of these before I keep reading on? First of all, you're talking about the "better place" being Europe? Come on.
54:30 They realize that Greg is from Iowa Hey, you're from Iowa! Iowa! *singing* Oh I'm from I-owa, I-owa... What? What are you doing? It's an Iowan song. You don't understand. That was the weirdest thing I've ever heard.

Daniel and Koby now have email addresses.