Ben questions the worth of watching TV shows only to theorize about the mysteries.
True Detective fans that were trying to solve the mystery were missing the point.
Does theorizing about the plot miss the point of story?
Ben says the book of Revelation is the oldest and most popular theorized-about book.
God: the original Damon Lindelof.
Ben is Wrong: Kiefer Sutherland was not in Twin Peaks Close, he was in Fire Walk With Me
Why do we enjoy theorizing about stories? Ben thinks it's because we feel the need for the whole story and so we feel compelled to fill in the blanks.
Theorizing is a form of fan fiction.
We're not wired for long serialized storytelling.
Conclusion: Mysteries and theorizing are fun, but they should be at the periphery not the center.
Ben distinguishes between mystery spoilers and story spoilers.
Original title: That's an Interesting Theory
Matt needs three takes to record the original intro and then they don't even use it.