Really great alternate reading and discussion of story vs fandom
Charles Benedict de Bono was born since last recording.
Alternate title: "Sherlock the Great and Terrible"
Ben has been listening to Sherlock Holmes on audio book.
A primary reading is a straightforward, how the author intended. A secondary or alternate reading is another interpretation that the author didn't intend.
Ben's alternate reading: Sherlock Holmes as a religious text
Should be the biggest supporters, but are the biggest doubters.
Moriarty only appears in one story. The devil similarly doesn't appear much in the Bible.
The formula of the stories
When the characters provide the missing details of the case that are not deducible
John Henry Neumann wrote about how doctrine develops without allowing chaotic change.
Deerstalker, calabash pipe, "Elementary, my dear Watson": all elements added in adaptations
Peter crucified upside down, Mary Magdalene a former prostitute: not in the Bible or official Catholic Church doctrine.
Steven Moffatt hasn't followed the liturgy of Doctor Who.
Fandom operates differently than classical storytelling
The motto "it doesn't matter what you read, just read" is incorrect.
Matt's new computer made the last thirteen minutes of the original recording unusable, so the middle of the episode was re-recorded a week later.
Matt decides to join Audible and pick up the Sherlock Holmes stories.
1:07:30 Sci-Fi Christian Story Time: Matt Made a Crib