


Ben, Matt







This was a really fun news episode though. If you want to listen to just one, this is it.


Ben got pulled over for speeding immediately after leaving recording last week.

Brandon Gibbs had an idea for the Bible Trivia podcast. They're pausing recording for now to implement.

Theo's List is Brandon's idea for a craigslist-like page for the SFC. It's a Facebook group.

Tim Pencratz and Ben Kirkwald have joined Ben for the Game of Thrones season 3 video reviews.

7:39 Matt mentions that the Game of Thrones reviews open with smoking and drinking It's for a certain audience. Yeah. Yeah. Like I don't think I would watch your videos.

Ben did his first confession, got confirmed, and took his first communion.

Matt uses the Mario Underground theme for time travel music.

15:06 Matt went to Ben's confirmation. He mistakenly put his microphone on the altar. It looked like a table to a non-Catholic!


David Tennant and Billie Piper will appear in the Doctor Who 50th anniversary episode.

24:14 Ben's April Fools joke: Koby is taking over the podcast

Daniel calls in from the litter box to report to King Koby.

Game of Thrones showrunners announced they will not wait for George RR Martin. Ben thinks there's a 50-50 chance the show will overtake the books.

Ben would rather the show pass the books than delay the show and risk ending up with an incomplete show.

Ben thinks they won't pass the books until after Winds of Winter.

Stan Lee Quote of the Week: Stan rants about birthdays

Ben wants HBO to make a Bible limited series.

Take That, Science: A man designed a board game and buried it in the desert so future civilizations could have an archeological discovery

Take That, Science: Scientists have concluded the Game of Thrones wall would be impossible to build

Take That, Science: A breeder is trying to breed dogs that look like direwolves

Take That, Science: Texas has a Star Trek scratch off lottery ticket. To promote it they're trying to set a record for most people dressed like Star Trek characters at one event

Fasting in Catholicism is one meal, two snacks per day.

Christopher Nolan is considering Matthew McConaughey for the lead in Interstellar. Matt is against it. Ben says "In Nolan We Trust" and says he'll play Ben is Right after the movie comes out.


1:03:30 Matt apologizes to the fans who complained about the teasing they got from feedback. Ben doesn't apologize.

Rick Lee James had Dr. John Walton on his podcast.

"Ben is Right" is Matt's favorite sound clip.

Rick from Wisconsin suggests skipping the season 4 finale of Babylon 5 until you've seen the whole show.

Jordan points out that if you Spoonerize "Matt and Ben" you get "Bat Men".

Ben is warming up to time loops.