
All stats are through episode № 570. The 3 spinoff episodes are included.


Time Loops


Visits to Other Podcasts


Oldest Episode Not Time Looped

№ 13 Dissecting Dr. Horrible

Quickest Time Loop

№ 27 C.K. Kubasik Interview (19 episodes between original and time loop)

Shortest Episode

№ 85 The Podcast Awards 2012 (3:12)

Longest Episode

№ 40 2011 Highlight Reel (3:03:50)

Average Episode Length


Shortest Episode Title

№ 1 Pilot

Longest Episode Title

№ 130 Interview with Brady Hardin, Author of Duncan Ross Book One: The Follies of Haven Island

Duplicate Titles

Title Total First Last
Sci-Fi Feedback 7 № 38 № 128
It’s Time For Sci-Fi News 3 № 26 № 67
Top 100 Sci-Fi Movies Countdown: 90-81 2 № 417 № 417

Recurring Segments / Occurrences

Segment Total First Last Seasons
Take That, Science! 66 № 32 № 555
Stan Lee Quote of the Week 53 № 3 № 517
Crossover Nexus Promo 51 № 270 № 353
What the Frodo? 45 № 154 № 435
Dark Knight News 42 № 3 № 146
Sci-Fi Christian Story Time 37 № 106 № 515
koser-sighting 26 № 337 № 570
Ben Is Right 25 № 136 № 522
A Slew of Casting News 21 № 126 № 435
Encouraging Signs 18 № 167 № 522
Bleeping 'Profanity' 15 № 107 № 435
questions-for-matt 13 № 338 № 438
Odd Openings 9 № 185 № 231
Matt is Right 5 № 184 № 435
Ben Is Wrong 4 № 184 № 555
remote 3 № 357 № 499
Fake News of the Day 2 № 249 № 251
Video Game News 1 № 154 № 154
Surprising Thoughts 1 № 274 № 274

Release Day

Sunday 76
Monday 79
Tuesday 88
Wednesday 91
Thursday 103
Friday 99
Saturday 37