


Ben, Matt







No need to listen to old news. Check the guide for what's interesting in hindsight.

Ben is Right: Simon Pegg says we should consume art other than just fun pop culture.

Mike Poteet sent a bunch of John Carter stuff so Matt is going to make another contest. Ben says Matt's history of mailing giveaways is not so good.

Questions for Matt

  1. Do the great reviews make you want to see Mad Max: Fury Road?
  2. Now that the Hulk will be in the next Captain America movie, can we just call it Avengers 3?
  3. The Phantom Menace came out 16 years ago today. If The Force Awakens is Phantom Menace-level bad, will fans again be in denial?
  4. Pan is a Peter Pan origin story. What origin story is next?

Ben says "gritty R2-D2 origin story". Matt says "Qui-Gon Jinn origin story".

20:44 Ben predicts a "young Yoda" movie
21:30 Matt theorizes that Peter Parker will die and Miles Morales will star in the Sony Animated Spider-Man Cinematic Universe.

David Lynch is back on Twin Peaks.


Matt got to ask questions to Bill Willingham at a local convention. He said his favorite character is in the final panel of the final issue #150.

Ben gave Matt two books of Gustave Doré illustrations for his birthday: The Divine Comedy and Paradise Lost